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Locala Health and Wellbeing and Yorkshire & Humber Care Record working together to improve care

On 24th July 2024 Locala Health and Wellbeing became the first Community Health Service within West Yorkshire to connect to the Yorkshire and Humber Care record to view patient data.

The Yorkshire and Humber Care Record (YHCR) is a digital shared care record solution across West Yorkshire. The YHCR enables patient information from multiple providing services (general practice, hospital trusts, community healthcare and social services) to be accessed securely on one platform.

By linking information systems, the YHCR enables appropriate health and care staff to access health and care information in real-time, at the point of care. At the same time, it allows patients to be more actively involved in their own health and wellbeing. This is a significant step forward for both patient safety and informed decision making.

A phased approach will be taken with the roll out of the YHCR across Locala starting with The Ageing Well Team, with plans to roll out access to further teams involved in direct patient care in the next 3 months.

The types of data being shared includes clinical appointments, demographics, accident and emergency discharges and documents including discharge summaries, clinical letters, and maternity documents.

Lee Rickles, Programme Director at Yorkshire and Humber Care Record: “It is brilliant that Locala Health and Wellbeing professionals will now be able access the Yorkshire & Humber Care Records. It is key that social enterprises have the right information, for the right person at the right time to ensure patients in West Yorkshire get the best community health care to meet their needs”.

Karen Jackson – CEO, Locala: “We are very pleased to be part of the YHCR development. We are keen to keep our patients at the centre of everything we do, and it will support this. It will also speed up decision making, arranging care and support for our service users, and will reduce risks through real time access to crucial information.”

The Business Redesign Team: Hakeel Qureshi and Gill Algor, Locala: “We have been thrilled to be involved in this project that will support our workforce within Locala to access patient information from across the system. A joint system will enable us to provide better and improved care, supporting both our staff and patients”.

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